Please be sure and register as an individual, or show your “team colors” and register your group/organization/agency as a team! Registration helps us ensure the needs of all those participating are met, and sends a powerful message to policy makers about the power of the recovering community. Be sure and indicate if you’d like to participate as a member of the Honor Guard [having 10 or more years free from alcohol and other drugs].
Honor Guard registration begins at 10:30am.
Registration is located at Gabriel Richard Park located at the foot of MacArthur Bridge (near Jefferson entrance to Belle Isle)
Event T-Shirts will also be distributed at Gabriel Richard Park.
The Honor Guard will be provided and wear sashes to lead the Walk across the bridge. All sashes are to be returned to organizers for future use.
Honor Guard registration begins at 10:30am.
Registration is located at Gabriel Richard Park located at the foot of MacArthur Bridge (near Jefferson entrance to Belle Isle)
Event T-Shirts will also be distributed at Gabriel Richard Park.
The Honor Guard will be provided and wear sashes to lead the Walk across the bridge. All sashes are to be returned to organizers for future use.